Saturday, January 23, 2010

China Tree School Dumplings, Tea, and Moon Cakes

Well today I was able to share with the China Tree students and parents a wonderful brand of dumplings that are easy to make and prepare. Wei-chuan. We do not always have time to go from scratch, so these are the most authentic brand available in Atlanta that are true to mainland China. And even if they were not authentic, they are still my favorite- yummy. The only thing I did was make a little soy dipping sauce with a twist. You can buy these at Wei-Chuan at the Hong Kong Market on Jimmy Carter or the The Buford Farmers Market on Buford Highway.

After reading several cookbooks and experimenting my family concurs that- the best
dumpling dip includes the following ingredients
soy sauce(I prefer a light brand)1/4 cup
rice vinegar 1tbl
garlic (minced) 1 tsp
sesame oil (the darker the better)1 tbl
and grated fresh ginger 1tbl (although you can use powdered, it works well but is just not quite as tasty)
Now if you like more of a bite - you can add more vinegar
and if you want less salty flavor buy the true Asian Soy sauce and not the American brands and you can also dilute the recipe by adding 3tbl of water.

Whisk together - Serve
the following cookbooks all have variations of this recipe :

Friday, January 22, 2010

American Mom Cantonese Cook

So everyone has heard, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Well today is the first day I will bring my family a whole new way of looking, thinking, and eating food. We are just the typical American family, well maybe not totally typical. I am the mom to three kids, 24 year old James, 15 year old Zach, and finally our China miracle Michelle 5. In honor of our relationship with Michelle, I am committing myself to the art of Chinese Cantonese cooking. For the last month I've done a lot of reading and searched out a few of Atlanta's Asian grocery stores. I decided that this may be a journey a few people may want to take with me.

My background is teaching, so my hope is to teach. I doubt I will ever be qualified to be an expert in Cantonese cooking, but maybe I will teach you and your kids how to be a fearless explorer of food and culture simultaneously. So I hope you will join me on my journey to authentic Chinese cooking.

Making dummplings - yum yum